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I'm a violinist who reads everything! Science fiction opens the mind to possibilities, nonfiction opens the mind to knowledge, and art opens the mind to meaning.

Currently reading

Pictures of the Mind: What the New Neuroscience Tells Us About Who We Are (FT Press Science)
Miriam Boleyn-Fitzgerald
Progress: 86/208 pages
Brave New Worlds
Kurt Vonnegut, Neil Gaiman, Sarah Langan, Shirley Jackson, Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, Kate Wilhelm, Joseph Paul Haines, Joe Mastroianni, Matt Williamson, S.L. Gilbow, Genevieve Valentine, Ross E. Lockhart, Jeremiah Tolbert, Vylar Kaftan, John Joseph Adams, Heather Lin
Progress: 14/481 pages
The Suzuki Violinist: A Guide for Teachers and Parents
William J. Starr
Progress: 40 %
currently reading
Kurt Vonnegut, Neil Gaiman, Sarah Langan, Shirley Jackson, Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, Kate Wilhelm, Joseph Paul Haines, Joe Mastroianni, Matt Williamson, S.L. Gilbow, Genevieve Valentine, Ross E. Lockhart, Jeremiah Tolbert, Vylar Kaftan, John Joseph Adams, Heather Lin
currently reading
William J. Starr
September 2016
finished reading:
January 2016
read and rated
read and rated
August 2015
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to fo..."
July 2015
finished reading:
July 2015
text: Reading progress update: I've read 35 out of 95 pages.
After reading Letter to a Christian Nation and lending it to a friend, a few days later this same friend lent me another Sam ...
Lying - Sam Harris
started reading:
July 2015
"Anyone who acts without paying attention to what he is doing is wasting his life. I'd go so far as to say that life is denied..."
July 2015
started following:
updated shelf
"The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rathe..."
Brave New Worlds - Kurt Vonnegut, Neil Gaiman, Sarah Langan, Shirley Jackson, Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, Kate Wilhelm, Joseph Paul Haines, Joe Mastroianni, Matt Williamson, S.L. Gilbow, Genevieve Valentine, Ross E. Lockhart, Jeremiah Tolbert, Vylar Kaftan, John Joseph Adams, Heather Lin
text: Musical Post: Music is communication too!
Meaning can be sought and glimpsed through many mediums, each a unique, clouded stained glass window into the soul. Books are...
I didn’t think that there would be that much of interest in a book about someone so young, written by someone so young, yet I...
July 2015
started following:
started following:
"When Suzuki adds new pieces, he keeps the child playing the previous pieces also so that the child always has material availa..."
The Suzuki Violinist: A Guide for Teachers and Parents - William J. Starr
"Scripture itself remains a perpetual engine of extremism: because, while He may be many things, the God of the Bible and the ..."
Letter to a Christian Nation - Sam Harris
"The core of science is not controlled experiment or mathematical modeling; it is intellectual honesty."
Letter to a Christian Nation - Sam Harris