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I'm a violinist who reads everything! Science fiction opens the mind to possibilities, nonfiction opens the mind to knowledge, and art opens the mind to meaning.

Currently reading

Pictures of the Mind: What the New Neuroscience Tells Us About Who We Are (FT Press Science)
Miriam Boleyn-Fitzgerald
Progress: 86/208 pages
Brave New Worlds
Kurt Vonnegut, Neil Gaiman, Sarah Langan, Shirley Jackson, Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, Kate Wilhelm, Joseph Paul Haines, Joe Mastroianni, Matt Williamson, S.L. Gilbow, Genevieve Valentine, Ross E. Lockhart, Jeremiah Tolbert, Vylar Kaftan, John Joseph Adams, Heather Lin
Progress: 14/481 pages
The Suzuki Violinist: A Guide for Teachers and Parents
William J. Starr
Progress: 40 %

Reading progress update: I've read 32 out of 160 pages.

— feeling amazing
The Suzuki Violinist: A Guide for Teachers and Parents - William J. Starr

So far, Suzuki's methods are not what I expected. They are thoughtful, compassionate, and intelligent ways to teach young children. This is not the kind of thing that can be derided for creating violin-playing child robots. Rather, these nurturing teaching methods are sure to result in individual success and happiness, and I look forward to implementing more of these philosophies in my own studio.